Category: Uncategorized
The Gift of Grief: Finding Reverence in Loss
Grief is always with us, not as pain to avoid but as a river reminding us of life’s fleeting beauty and sacredness.
Navigating Life’s Waters
Life is a journey on unpredictable waters. Like a sailor navigating the sea, we learn to balance surrender and control, trusting the winds and tides to guide us forward.
10 Empowerments
What if we could frame the traditional “10 Commandments” in a way that empowers us to live more fully and authentically?
Accepting what is
The present moment is a gift, grounding us in its rhythm and invitation to simply be. In its embrace, both life and death exist as threads woven into the fabric of our journey—teaching us to cherish the fleeting yet infinite beauty of now.
The view from here
From deepest hopelessness emerges an unexpected gift: the simple presence of being. No more seeking, no more striving – just the quiet ease of witnessing life unfold.
The parts of ourselves
There’s a scared little boy standing there in a world that feels both achingly familiar and impossibly strange. He’s always trying to be something else, someone else – anything but himself. This is a story about the parts of ourselves we try to hide, and the spirit that loves them all
Labor of love
We spend much of our lives working, but what if we approached work differently? Explore the idea of fully engaging with what is in front of you.
How to Fall in Love: A Journey of Surrender
Dive into the profound connection between falling in love and surrendering control. Learn how letting go welcomes love
The Inner War
In the depths of our consciousness, a profound struggle unfolds – a battle for our very essence. This isn’t a war of nations or ideologies, but a personal conflict that each of us faces every day. It’s a war for our soul, our humanity, and our peace.
Accepting Death
Facing our mortality isn’t about morbid fascination—it’s about liberation. By accepting the inevitability of death, we unlock the secret to truly living